The Graduate Accelerator is set to train and connect employers with the most aspiring graduates for their entry level roles.
In ability to access the right talent, with the right skills, at the right time is a challenge employers every day. I realized that 96% of our candidates on Stutern do not have the skills employers want. This also tells me that this ratio will remain the same as we continue to grow. For example if we have 10 million users, the same 96% will remain skills deficient. On the under hand, employers are still having positions they haven’t filled. There is a demand, but very poor supply. This cuts across Africa, the 400 million youths. 96% of them are not skilled.
So I came up with assumptions based market insights derived from Stutern. The assumptions I came up with helped to craft good questions that can led to experimentions.
Questions like:
Then to more narrowed questions like:
And most importantly: